
美国华裔教授学者协会《学术展望》杂志( ISSN1936-1246)第 13 卷 2017年电子和印刷版,现在正在征稿。为了保证 11月份年会能够印刷出版,征稿截止日期定在 2017年 7月15日,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。请用电子邮件将稿件寄给我们。稿件可包括自己的文章或研究成果(包括初步研究结果)、论文摘要、书评、评论、学习心得、经历感悟、科技、教育和学术发展动向等。《学术展望》杂志另外还设有会员动态报道,请将过去一年的活动简要发给我们,我们会选用刊登。

投稿中英文都可以。文稿最长不超过 15页。收到的书稿将由编委会审稿,或邀请专家同仁审稿。文稿一旦接受,即会通知作者。投稿版权由作者所有,文责自负,作者以后还可再使用。所投稿件务必是没有版权问题的。

《学术展望》杂志第1至12卷(2005年至2016年),可在协会网站查阅: http://usacsa.org/journals/


胡克勤教授  (自然科学),邮址:kqhu@uci.edu;

张军博士   (社会科学),邮址:mjzhang@earthlink.net

Dear USACSA members and colleagues,

You are cordially invited to submit a  manuscript for the forthcoming 2017  edition (Volume 13) of Academic  Perspective (学术展望)   (ISSN 1936-1246), an  annual journal  published by  the US Chinese Scholars Association (USACSA).

Authors are  encouraged to  submit your  works  (including preliminary  research), book  reviews, and  commentaries in their disciplines and fields.  In  addition, this  volume  also includes members’ news to report your relevant activities in the past year.

Your  manuscript can be in either Chinese  or  English, with  a  maximum  length of  15  single-spaced pages.  In order  to print the  journal before  USACSA Convention in  November 5,  2017, the submission deadline is set to July 15, 2017.

Submitted manuscripts  will be  reviewed by the USACSA  Editorial Board  and/or other  invited peer reviewers.  Notice of  acceptance will  be sent  to authors after  their works  are accepted  for publication in the Journal.

All of the published journal articles are  freely available to the  public online.  Authors  retain copyrights to their individual articles, hold sole responsibility for their  writings, and are welcome to reuse it as they deem appropriate. Please make sure that your submissions have no copyright issues.

Your manuscript  must be  a Word  document, single  spaced,  with one-column  layout, one-inch margins, Times New Roman font size 12, first-level  headings in  all capital letters, and second-level headings with first letter in capital. References must be in alphabetical order and be placed at the end  of the manuscript.  Citations in the text must refer to authors by last  name. Please do not use footnotes.

To access  previous volumes of  the Academic Perspective,  please visit the  USACSA website  at http://usacsa.org/journals/

Please email your manuscript by July 15, 2017 to Editors-in-Chief:

Dr. Ke-Qin  Hu (Natural  Sciences & Engineering),  University of California  at Irvine. Email: kqhu@uci.edu

Dr.   Michael  Zhang   (Social   Sciences  &   Humanities),   Attorney  at   Law,  Email: mjzhang@earthlink.net

Editorial Board Members:

Dr. Zhonghe Wu, National University

Dr. Yonggang Li, University of Southern California

Dr. Shenghe Huang, University of Southern California

Dr. Peter Zhang, California State University –  Fullerton

Dr. Ming Yang, University of California, Riverside

CUSACSA Journal – Call for Paper